The Business Speakers Radio Network’s Ultimate Networking Series Is Now LIVE!

Starting On Tuesday, March 16th, 2021, the BSRN Ultimate Networking Series of weekly networking meetings will be the absolute epicenter of networking in America for business leaders, owners, managers, and innovators looking to connect with other people who can help them grow professionally and in business in the days, weeks, and years to come.

See here’s the thing – whether you’re in a State that’s opening up or you’re in full lock down, networking in person has become a LOT harder than it use to be.

You used to have local Chamber of Commerce, Board of Trade, community business networking events, breakfast meetings, luncheons, evening galas, and more, hosted by a variety of prominent local networkers. But with a year of practically no in-person networking going on, many of those organizations have had to let key people go, and they haven’t held many, if any live events now officially in over a year under the Pandemic.

Those that have limped along have been economically crippled through colossally reduced membership dues, events fees, and sponsorships, so ramping up is going to take some time, and even then there will be a lot of people who will be feeling very uncomfortable about the whole ‘in-person thing’ no matter how stir crazy we’re all getting as the days of involuntary hibernation grow longer.

Then there will be those who realize that when they go to in-person events, there’s parking, travel time, the obligatory meal purchase, getting stuck in conversations with some creepy people from time to time, and the inevitable pitchfests that every rubber-chicken luncheon or networking meeting tends to turn into, and there will be a built-in disincentive to leave the house to go hang out with desperate people trying to sell them stuff.

So what if we could show you another way, a MUCH Better Way to not only get some of that social experience we’ve all been looking for, not be stuck in a Zoomtastic Snoozefest, and actually help you build REAL Connections and develop nearly instantant ROI for a price that’s probably less than the rubber-chicken dinner you’d have had to buy at a normal in-person event?

What if we could show you our ULTIMATE NETWORKING way to get 35-100 direct connections of your ultimate customer or supplier or employee avatars in a single night, without ever having to leave your front door?

Introducing the Business Speakers Radio Network Ultimate Networking (BSRN UN) Series!

Here’s what happens each week at a BSRN Ultimate Networking event:

Our Ultimate Networking events are currently all virtual events held on our AirMeet platform. If you’ve never been on an AirMeet, then you’re in for an experience, because it’s nothing like any Zoom, Webex or GoToWebinar meeting you’ve ever been on before!

We start with our registration lobby, where you login and get a handle on what’s going on at that particular event. Sponsor listings, speaker session ads, and other key messages are communicated here and in the global chat bar.

On the left you’ll find the primary navigation menu that will tell you about your options to go to the Social Lounge, the event speaker Sessions, or the Arena where you’ll find our vendors and breakout rooms.

Each event starts with several rounds of speed networking at tables of 4-6, each with 2 minutes per person to introduce yourselves and tell each other a little about what you do. This is purely about making connections, not about selling, pitching, elevator pitching, or targeting; it’s purely about finding people you’d like to chat with more later on.

Every 8-12 minutes our platform will automatically shuffle the decks and you’ll end up at a new table with a new round of potential contacts and you’ll do it all over again with some fresh faces. After roughly half an hour we’ll stop and dig right into our speaker sessions.

Normally we’ll have 3 consecutive speakers at each event, and we’ll probably have themes to most of these events too, to focus your ROI on specific professional development or business benefits. Experts in their fields giving you roughly 25-45 minutes each of their most directly applicable and often highly interactive presentations on subjects that you can apply right away in your business.

Then comes the grand finale! Back to the Social Lounge where we now break into tables again and start a new networking dynamic:

  • At each table one person starts by asking the remaining people at the table a single question that results in specific replies
  • That question will be in the form of something like this: “Who do you know that is or does ‘X’?” where ‘X’ is either a prime customer or supplier or employee Avatar; your ideal example.
  • The questions will NOT be anything like: “Who do you know that wants to buy my stuff?”
  • Each other person around the table will then think for a moment and reply YES if they know someone, and will include some way to communicate with them like a phone number or email address so a conversation can be had to introduce the person being referred to the question-asker.
  • The question-asker then digitally excuses themselves from the table and ‘runs’ to any available seat at any other table and repeats the process.
  • This goes on for 5 minutes, and only 5 minutes, and when the clock runs out, they then need to go back to their seats at their original table and give the next person clockwise at the table a turn to do exactly the same thing.
  • Once everyone has had a chance to do this the round ends and the tables will automatically shuffle to indicate that it’s time for a new round to begin and again someone starts at each table and a NEW question is asked by each person, identifying a NEW Avatar profile you’re looking for.
  • Normally we’ll have 2-3 sessions of Ultimate Networking and then we’ll wrap up and leave the lounge and Arena open for you to wander in and out and mingle with people you’ve just met so you can follow up on earlier conversations, build new relationships, and see what the vendors have to spice up your business or life.

If by the end of 2-3 rounds of Ultimate Networking and Speed Networking you haven’t picked up at least 25-35 new leads for whatever you’re looking for then something is seriously wrong with your networking game, and we’ll be happy to get you into a networking class or two to help you turn that around because that’s a skill anyone can learn and be a LOT more effective at.

At every networking step you’re on direct video with a small group of business professionals like yourself, live, getting face time with new connections, not cooped up in a sordid ballroom that hasn’t seen an update or cosmetic improvement since the Carter Administration.

Laugh, discuss, connect, and ultimately apply the oldest principle of effective networking by realizing that it’s never just about the person you’re talking with right now, it’s about all the people THEY know and are ever GOING to KNOW that could be a PERFECT connection for you.

The BSRN Ultimate Networking Series of Professional Networking Events welcomes you to start doing networking in a safe, fun, exciting new way, where you get to meet REAL PEOPLE in a virtual environment that can take you places traditional networking events simply can’t do as well.

You have to join us every Tuesday evening, 7pm Eastern. I mean really, you have to make those nights sacred on your calendar because I’m telling you the value at each event is unreal.

As we add on more vendors and sponsors we even have plans for virtual and maybe even some real goody bags and swag for attendees, as well as some digital asset bonuses, gifts, contests, drawings, and more, so each week can bring dramatic opportunities quite literally to your doorstep.

Seriously, it’s only $22.50 a week, or $55 monthly. It’s a complete no-brainer.

So unless you’ve joined the Zombie Apocalypse, we’ll be seeing you there, right?