Every week, show after show on our networks involves experts talking about what they know, so if you’re a subject matter expert with something our audiences should know, then maybe we should talk.

    Once you fill out the short, sweet application above, we’ll follow up to schedule a qualifying call and hook you up with a media release form so we can see if we can get you on a show that makes sense for you, and for our audiences too.

    We’re content focused, so we’re really keen on bringing on and bringing back experts that are content focused too, especially content that our audiences can put to use right away, and as a result your content gets put in front of audiences that actually stand a real chance of being highly interested and engaged in what you bring to the table. If you know what you know then we’re the place where the people who need to know it probably hang out waiting to hear it, so apply today and let’s figure out where to put it to work on one of our shows.